Interviewing & Liaisons
Why Harvard
Harvard College Applicant Interviewing
Each year, our local Harvard College alumni interview more than one thousand Harvard College applicants from Illinois and Northern Indiana. By providing applicants one-on-one time with a member of the Harvard community, interviews give prospective Harvard students a chance to get know Harvard better and to discuss their interests and achievements. For alumni, interviewing is a great way to engage with HCC and to stay connected to Harvard.
If you’re a Harvard College graduate and are interested in interviewing, please email our HCC Schools administrator, Leslie Rachlin.
High School Liaisons
As part of our local HCC Schools program, Harvard College alumni volunteer to serve as alumni liaisons for select high schools in the Chicago-area region. Liaison efforts include establishing a relationship with college counselors as well as attending college fairs, presenting the Harvard Prize Book, and conducting interviewing workshops as requested by the school. Most importantly, liaisons provide a personal connection between high schools and Harvard.
If you’re a Harvard College graduate interested in becoming a local high school liaison, or if you’re a local school representative who would like to discuss our liaison program, please email our HCC Schools administrator, Leslie Rachlin.
College Fairs
As part of our efforts to reach local students, many of whom may not be able to visit Harvard, our local Harvard College alumni represent Harvard by attending college fairs in the Chicago region. While we can’t cover every college fair, we make every effort to do so.
If you’re a Harvard College graduate interested in representing Harvard College at a college fair, or if you’re a local school representative who would like Harvard to attend attend your school’s college fair, please email our HCC Schools administrator, Leslie Rachlin.
Interviewing Workshops
Interviewing is not only part of some college application processes, it’s also a life-skill. Over the years, we’ve found that students, especially first generation, can benefit from attending a short but informative interviewing workshop during the spring of their junior year or fall of senior year.
If you’re a Harvard College graduate interested in helping to conduct an interviewing workshop with fellow alumni, or if you’re a local school representative interested in Harvard alumni holding a workshop at your school, please email our HCC Schools administrator, Leslie Rachlin.